Learn a language abroad for wine professionals

Who are we?


ProFashion Language: immersion abroad as a linguistic solution for the wine industry

As we believe that immersion is the most effective solution, our language courses immerse you in the world’s leading fashion countries.

Profashion Language is specialized in the fashion industry and offers different services:

  • Mainly LEARNING OF LANGUAGE (mainly English and fashion) abroad by immersion (linguistic stay) in fashion countries.
  • INTERNATIONAL FASHION or BUSINESS TRAINING – certified by a London-based organization recognized throughout the world
  • ACQUISITION OF FASHION EXPERIENCE by internship placement abroad

The main interface of the fashion sector to train  languages ​​and fashion abroad with as assets:

  • Establishments of fashion language schools in many countries (Adelaide, Auckland, Cape Town, San Francisco, London, Mendoza , Santiago, Spain and France).

  • A network of foreign companies and fashion professionals around the world welcoming International learners. A strong national network of university partnerships, business schools and professional bodies.

  • A presence at the world trade fairs. …. And an ultra-specialized, highly effective, certified immersion method.

The founder, a wine professional

The founder needed to develop his level of English in his career framework.

Not finding sufficiently effective training in France he followed a language study in South Africa for several months and completed it with fashion lessons with a local private teacher.

From this experience was born Profashion Language

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